corporate team building

How Owners Plan Corporate Team Building Efforts

Owners are in a very key position when it comes to the use of corporate team building efforts. Especially if they like to get hands-on with various departments and how their business is run, it is helpful to follow through on principles that deliver the best outcomes. We will discuss what those principles look like in more depth and how these exercises can be implemented. 

Create Exercises Around Team Objectives 

One of the best approaches that owners can take when it comes to corporate team building efforts is to know what kind of outcomes the business is seeking to achieve. For some, it is simply a way to open lines of communication across departments and to break the ice with new employees. For others, it is a means of pushing creative thinking, problem-solving skills, developing team leadership, cohesion and more. Consider these factors before progressing to the next phase. 

Take Note of Corporate Case Studies 

Owners who want to be on safe ground when planning corporate team building efforts should undertake the research to see which activities and approaches prove to be successful. In this space, there will be outlets that decide to stick to a rigid structure and enjoy benefits from that. Likewise, there will be less formal and unstructured team building ventures like games, charades, trivia and more that break down barriers. Survey the terrain and see what options are in play and what has and has not worked for other parties. 

Mix In-Person & Online Programs 

For corporate team building efforts to be effectively planned in 2023 and beyond, it is worthwhile mixing the involvement of in-person and online programming. This is very much true for professionals who are based in remote locations or those who are isolated due to COVID or illness protocols. It is a clever way to keep connections progressing and to involve facets of technology that facilitate stronger engagement. 

Allow Participants to Shape the Activities 

What happens when staff have keys to the car and drive corporate team building efforts? In most scenarios, they are more successful, more durable, more creative and lead to superior outcomes. If people young and old from various backgrounds feel as though they can shape the nature of the activities and hold each other accountable, in most cases, they will be eager to get involved and retain those connections. This is where a true team culture can emerge. 

Clarity Over Scheduling 

Owners will be in a much better position with corporate team building efforts when they are able to develop true clarity with the scheduling measures. For some members, they will only be available during morning sessions. Others are free for afternoons while evenings or weekends could be viable for certain participants. Be flexible in this setting and think about what will drive the best level of engagement. 

Resist Urge for Strict Rules & Regulations 

Commercial enterprises that want to forge stronger team dynamics inside the workplace are wise to bypass any regulations or strict rules that would limit their involvement. The best part of forging a team environment is seeing real personalities emerge and friendships striking up. It is easy to overlook that these participants spend a lot of time together and creating barriers in this environment will prove to be counterproductive. 


Corporate team building efforts are not an exact science. If they were, everyone would operate from the same handbook. This is about owners doing their research and most importantly, allowing for staff to use this time to make those connections and craft a team culture. Allow that to flourish and grow, then owners will enjoy the returns for years to come.